
What it is?

This is a subtle collection of songs which came from my experiences I got through a screen... OK, maybe not that subtle, there's a wink eye on every song... and they remember me some of the better days of my life... OK, maybe the worst days as well, but anyway they are meant to bring some memories of certain moments when I felt connected with those scenes and represented by those characters. I'm sure we all felt empathy for this characters and their stories. We're amateur musicians but it doesn't mean we haven't any good thing to offer you.

- Katrina Orwell  // Creator

All characters used as inspiration for the songs

How to listen the songs

We aren't a live band, sorry!... We're a worldwide collaborative project. If you want to support us, listen or buy the songs through the following platforms:

bandcamp logo
spotify logo
Apple Music logo
Deezer logo


The Latest Release

Release date: December 22, 2018

wunder years album cover

 Concept: Katrina Orwell   //  Design: LeCoss Design

Fun Fact!

The Original Cover Design Was Rejected

First cover design vs. new design

The first version of the album's cover was rejected by the company in charge of placing the album into all mayor digital music stores and music streaming services. The name of the company is FRESH TUNES. It was never clear the reason to reject the original cover design, they just said it was in "low quality"... but for sure it smells like FRESH chicken inside that company. Why the chicken is scared?... maybe because of Donald Trump? or Kim Jong-un? or because Pink Floyd lawyers don't like parodies?...

xoxo, Katrina

What Inspired The Songs

Kevin Arnold from The Wonder Years

The Wonder Years

I really didn't know why this typical north american family and their stories got me... Why did I feel some kind of attraction to Kevin Arnold and his misadventures?... I guess it was just because I loved the intro tune, those few seconds of this powerful music was able to get me into the experience. And I still don't know if the magic was because of the Beatles song or Joe Cocker's voice.

Gary and Mooncake from Final Space

Final Space

This really got me... And I remembered how is look at some cartoons with child eyes. So, best thing I've seen since I was a kid. Later I saw some interviews from the creator and I discovered he's been completely honest about himself and his art. He accomplished an excellent master piece by crafting a compelling story based in his own feelings and experiences. Maybe he's the real inspiration for this project.

Agent Cooper from Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks

Mr. Lynch is an icon to two generations at least. There's no way to mesure his influence as his art it-self is non-linear and nobody can trace a timelime for any event or contribution. It's just about diving into the aesthetics to feel a different tempo againt the one of reality and just pretend you got it by letting your mind filling out the gaps. What you find in those gaps cloud be another universe leading to a new beginning.

Alex from Irréversible


The movie directed by Gaspar Noé. This movie bring me the worst feelings in the world. It plays with the most violent situations exacerbating the deepest fears just to make one point: Time destroy everything or the concept that time is irreversible. So, Mr. Noé: it worths?... Because of this movie I'm scare to hell each time that I have to go though underground pedestrian steps.

Homer from The Simpsons

The Simpsons

Probably one of the most successfully TV shows in the history. The Simpson family is worlwide famous. I started to watch the show when I was a teenager and I still watch the show two decades later. There are so many references to their dialogs when spending time with friends that it makes me think that maybe those dialog lines are more used than versicles from the bible. So watch it God, here comes Homer.

Hannah Baker from 13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why

This show was a surprise for me. Obviously I'm old enough to play the role of a parent of any of the characters and bullying in my days was very different. However, the way Hannah Baker present her story is very well accomplished. It shows how complex and how many stages could take the final decision to commit suicide. So this was an alarm to detect problems when kids are pushed too far because of bullying.

Mike from Stranger Things

Stranger Things

This TV show has gotten an hype. The 80s aesthetics have been recoded and blended with a great sci-fi story. The innoncence and good will of the carismatic characters would be impossible back in the original 80s. So that's the bottom line: Take a shitty decade and make it shine for the sake of entertraiment. Well done producers and Wynona.

Kolya from Kolya


Definitely the most famous Czech movie because it won an Oscar. Despite all the "clichés" around that time just before the "Spring of Prague" mouvement, it captures the true unbearable lightness of the Czech people by the way they move forward in life and they face the problems with some looseness. I really regret that there was no sequels II, III and IV.

Help us with the amends

Probably we might need some amends... Help us to correct our lyrics or give us a feedback or just throw us a line about other characters you would like to convert into #post-experimental songs.

Le Temps Détruit Tout

Lyrics by Katrina Orwell

Yo Bro, Take It Low
We Can’t Chase The Past Tense
Far, Far Away So Fucking Safe
Cannot Be Reached Anyway
Show Me The Pointing Clock

Moving Forward By Entropy
It’s The Only Way Life Goes On

All Those Feelings Rising Up


You Want Me To Say It?
Time Destroys Everything

You Want Me To Count It?
Time Destroys Everything
And No One Can Escape Its Power

Hey Donald, Suck That Winnie

Yo Bro, Take It Low
We Can’t Shape Our Fate
All Those Dreams Ahead Of Us
Cannot Be Reached Anyway
Tell Me Where You Stand

Spit Out Your Regrets
Find The Footprints Made Of Blood
Take Out My Misery

And Don’t Forget To Trade My Soul
Throw Me Back To The Universe
And Put Your Name On My Grave

Any Thoughts?